High-quality translations
English ➠ Frans
French ➠ Dutch
English ➠ Dutch
French ➠ English
Dutch ➠ English
Dutch ➠ French
English ➠ French
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Contact us for more information:: info@ehc-translation.be or +32 495 33 25 25
EHC-Translation was founded on the philosophy that translation is not a trade of its own. Instead, it is a melting pot of many different disciplines. For example, your smart phone’s manual was (hopefully) translated by a language specialist who also has a flair for technical descriptions of such devices…
EHC-Consultancy BV
Begijnhofstraat 1 Bus 2V 121
2870 Puurs-Sint-Amands
BTW BE 0647 817 963
📨 info@ehc-translation.be
✆ +32 495 33 25 25
✆ +32 499 87 02 51