How does it work?

We want to guide you personally in the translation process from the very first contact.
To make this process as smooth as possible we will describe it in the following steps.

Some reasons for choosing EHC Translation


You contact us via the contact form or via e-mail. In your message you mention the number of words, the subject and the desired deadline, or you already add the source files as an attachment. You can also reach us by telephone for general information, but for estimates we prefer contact via e-mail.


We guarantee that we will respond to your request within the hour. In our answer you will get an estimate of the cost price and delivery time.


If you have read and approved our estimate, you confirm the translation request and, if this has not yet been done, you send us the source file(s) and any terminology list.


We get to work. We will always make every effort to respect your deadline. If in doubt, we will contact you to avoid "guessing".


We deliver your translation with a detailed invoice. If you wish, you can always give us feedback so that we can improve our service, if possible.

Contact us for more information:: or +32 495 33 25 25

About EHC Translation

EHC-Translation was founded on the philosophy that translation is not a trade of its own. Instead, it is a melting pot of many different disciplines. For example, your smart phone’s manual was (hopefully) translated by a language specialist who also has a flair for technical descriptions of such devices…


Contact us

EHC-Consultancy BV
Begijnhofstraat 1 Bus 2V 121
2870 Puurs-Sint-Amands
BTW BE 0647 817 963
+32 495 33 25 25
+32 499 87 02 51

EHC Translation